Stolen from Marcin Pogroszewski: Also another thread that basically talks about similar issues with decks: link

Making a KILLER pitch deck for your early stage startup is SIMPLE.

Follow these steps and you will be 90% there:

  1. Close PowerPoint / Google Slides - we won't need these for now.

  2. Write down ONE SENTENCE answers to these questions:

  1. Assume the first version of your answers is only ok. Ok is not enough. We aim for AIRTIGHT.

  2. Start refining your answers. Avoid these common red flags:

× the problem is made up / doesn't feel real

x the number of people calculation is intellectually dishonest or sloppy

× the solution feels like a vitamin (nice-to-have), not like an aspirin (must-have)

× the solution feels like a new paint on an old car (it's only marginally better from what we have now; you want to be dramatically better to overcome switching costs)

× the experience you decided to highlight is irrelevant to the problem you are trying to solve